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G800 機械減速機配螺杆泵一些特點

2020-11-28 14:09:02

The features of G800 mechanical reducer with screw pump


Large bearing torque: G800 series have planetary gear structure, multi-tooth engagement, symmetry force, thus input power transfer to different driving force. And the working torque is greater than other reducers. Screw pump sometimes overload at the start-up stage, so, work coefficient can be reduced properly.

2.工作可靠,壽命長:G800內部件,大都經磨削加工,結構相(xiàng)對封閉, 工作時不易受外部環境影響,采用優質潤滑液的狀(zhuàng)況下,有很長的壽命。

Reliable and long working life: most of the internal pieces of G800 are grinding, have relatively close structure. It is less susceptible to the external environment. By using god lubricant, the working life can be quite long.


Compact structure and small size: the main structure is columnar structure, which is similar to screw pump. The whole structure is seamless.

4.通用性能更(gèng)強:由於電機與減速機采用(yòng)標準聯接(jiē),常(cháng)用標準電機均可作為減速機的動力源,用戶維護保養檢修極為方便,當用戶根據需要 可方便地更(gèng)換不同的電機,如掉換變頻(pín)、防爆電機等來(lái)滿足不同的工況要求。

Good general performance: as the motor and reducer are standard connected, the motor can be used as the power source. It is quite convenient to maintain and change. According to different needs, the motor can be easily replaced in order to meet the different working requirements.

5.經濟性好:由於G800 螺杆泵專用減速機,其輸出結構已設計了承受螺杆泵工作時的軸向(xiàng)推力,所以(yǐ)可(kě)以減(jiǎn)少泵類的(de)軸承座部件,不僅省成本(běn)而且結(jié)構(gòu)又可靠合理。

Economy: because of the special design of the G800 mechanical reducer with screw pump, the bearing housing parts can be reduced. Thus, the cost is reduced and the structure is more reliable.

G800 機械減速機配螺杆泵一(yī)些特(tè)點  G800 機械減速機配螺杆泵一些特點(diǎn)


